Monstrosities with the face of a man, the body of a lion, bat-like wings, and a tail bristling with spikes. Love eating humans. Dwell in wild, mountainous regions.
Armour Class | 4 [15] |
Hit Dice | 6+1 (28hp) |
Attacks | [2 × claw (1d4), 1 × bite (2d4)] or 6 × tail spike (1d6) |
THAC0 | 13 [+6] |
Movement | 120’ (40’) / 180’ (60’) flying |
Saving Throws | D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6) |
Morale | 9 |
Alignment | Chaotic |
XP | 350 |
Number Appearing | 1d2 (1d4) |
Treasure Type | D |
- Tail spikes: 180’ range. 24 in total; 2 regrow each day.
- Track and ambush: Follow humans and attack with tail spikes when they stop to rest.